Monday, 29 November 2010

How Parents and Teens Can Talk to Each Other Part II: Teen to Parent

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(To read part I of this letter, go to Parent to Teen]}{/qluetip})

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on what's right or wrong with the letter.

The Wrong Way

Dear Mom,
Get a life!!! I'm tired of you and Dad being on my back all the time. You're always criticizing my friends and you don't even try to get to know them. Nothing I ever do is right.

Your rules are stupid. And don't expect me to go to dinner at Grandma's this weekend, either!!!


The Write Way

Dear Mom,

Thanks for your letter! You know, it used to really bother me that you would just expect me to want to do everything with you guys, like I was 5 years old or something.

Friday and Saturday are important nights to be with my friends but Sunday dinner with Grandma would be OK, I guess.

You know that this is the first time that you've invited my friends over?

Thanks. It would be nice to hang out at home, as long as you and Dad aren't in the family room every two minutes to check on us. I mean, we're not criminals.We just want to be together.

Thanks for talking to me like an adult. And thanks for not bugging me about my clothes!

Love, Gabriella

Samples letters written by Dr. Louise Klein, psychotherapist

Use at least several of the following principles :
Don't get stuck in an impasse. Tell your parent that you understand his disappointment.Accept the invitation to explain what happened and start a dialogue.Accept responsibility if you did something wrong.Ask for forgiveness.

Last modified on Monday, 29 November 2010 02:18
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