Saturday, 01 January 2000

Your Voice on life, love & marriage Sex and Intimacy: If you could change one flaw that bothers you about your spouse, what would it be?

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Q If you could change one flaw that bothers you about your spouse, what would it be?

Your Voice

  • That when my husband makes a joke it has a sting to it.
  • Flirting with every woman that he comes up to, a teasing flirt.
  • Attitude.
  • His selfishness.
  • His lack of communicating his feelings and desires. He just assumes that I should know what is bothering him or what he wants from our relationship.
  • I would make him less afraid to discuss the more intimate aspects of our life. He can be a communications squasher if he is embarrassed at all by the topic.
  • His inability to accept and love family for who they are.
  • That she would share her feelings verbally.
  • I would make it so that he would talk to me about what is on his mind.
  • I would change him to be a more affectionate, more loving person. He was raised by his mother alone, and she was a very cold person, and he was kind of brought up that way. He has changed in many ways, and is much better now, but still I wish for no reason, he would just come up and hug me.
  • Bringing up PERSONAL issues in front of other people.
  • His lack of planning/thinking ahead.
  • He needs to loosen up a little. He is so "bogged" down with being the "provider" that he doesn't take time to give compliments or even show his love.
  • That he would be more warm and loving and tell me what he's feeling inside.
  • I would make her softer. She is uptight and doesn't know how to be sweet to me except when she wants something back.


Last modified on Wednesday, 11 May 2011 11:28
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