Monday, 30 May 2011

I Deserve Better, Don't I?

Written by  Erin Donovan

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QMe and my boyfriend had a terrible fight. Recently he said he missed me and was sorry so we've made-up, but he continues to do the things that broke us up in the first place. He's been hitting on my cousin and I know he cares about me but I hate when he does that and then try to cover it up. I want to be with him and I deserve better.

AYou are very right about the fact that you deserve to be treated better. If he's still doing the things that caused you to break up with him in the first place you need to have a talk with him, one on one. Tell him that you care about him and that you know he cares for you, but you just need time away from him until he's sure that he can stop doing the things that are continually hurting you.

It will probably hurt to be away from him at first, but if he truly cares enough about your relationship he will work on changing and stop doing the things that hurt you. If things don't change for the better, then you know to find someone else who can treat you the way you need to be treated.

As far as your cousin goes, explain to her that you know she doesn't want to see you hurt, but that it only hurts more to have things hidden from you. You need to know the truth about this guy so that you aren't wasting your time or setting yourself up for a huge heartbreak. Wouldn't she want to know if her boyfriend started hitting on you?

See Relationships - Peers / Crushes and Dating


Last modified on Monday, 30 May 2011 08:38
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Erin Donovan

Erin Donovan

Erin Donovan's contributions were written in the year before she began college, at which time she was WholeFamily's Senior Teen Advisor.

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