Thursday, 10 February 2011

Sports Fanatic

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Sports Fanatic

My husband is a sports fanatic. He follows all sports on TV and he even plays fantasy baseball pretending that he's managing a baseball team. All of his free time is spent watching sports. When we were first married I would go out with my friends on the weekends and just let Mitch watch TV all day. I didn't mind too much because it gave me a chance to catch up with my friends.

But now we have a six-month-old baby. And that's when the problem started. After the baby was delivered, Mitch went straight home because it was the baseball playoffs. I still can't forgive him.

I want him to be involved in taking care of the baby, going on outings, and visiting our family. Instead he watches sports, listens to sports on the radio, and follows sports on the Internet. I am tired of living with somebody obsessed with sports.

I feel like a widow -- only I'm living with the man. Is it worth it to be married to somebody who directs all of his attention away from his child and me?

Last modified on Thursday, 05 May 2011 09:30
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