Senior Questions and Answers
When a Child Prefers The Grandmother to The Mother
Q & A: How to Connect with Grandchildren

Dear WholeFamily Counselor, I am happy to say that I have three grandchildren; a granddaughter who is twelve, a grandson who is ten and one who is three. But I feel the wonderful things people always told me about being a grandparent might be a little exaggerated. I do enjoy watching them grow up. I'm curious about who they will become as human beings. But I can't claim that I have created a special relationship with them. They don't seem to feel particularly connected to my husband and myself, even though my children push them to be nice to us. The oldest ones are into their own friends, and the baby clings to his parents. I am disappointed, and even a little hurt.
I Love My In-Laws, but Enough Is Enough
When Grandchildren Come: How to Deal with The In-Laws
Toby and Michael
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