Marital Questions and Answers
I Am Second to his Job
Dear Wholefamily Counselor, My husband and I have been married for only 6 months but we have been together for 7 years. My problem is that my husband is a workaholic. We own a business and have several employees. My husband makes me feel as if I am second to his job. He worries more about other people their needs before my needs and me. He is more willing to work on our business than on our marriage. I would like to know how I can confront him about it without offending him and getting into an argument. Can you please help? Dear Second Place, Have you two always worked together? Some couples are able to make the distinction between work and home but other people are not so good at drawing boundaries.
Only One Wants to Move
Dear Wholefamily Counselor, I am originally from Michigan but moved out to California four years ago to attend graduate school. I never planned to make California my permanent home, but have tried since I met a wonderful man whom I married seven months ago. Before we even got engaged, we talked about the possibility of me not being able to stand it in California anymore.
Q & A: My Husband's Work Dictates How We Live

Dear Dr. Tobin, I am 41, married with three children ages 15,11,and 5. My children are going to a public school that is 30 -45 minutes away from my home. My husband's work has always dictated what side of town we live on. Now his job is shaky and I feel my life and my children's life is eaten away by commuting, lack of friendships in the area we live, and lack of time to enjoy any sports or activities. I just started school to become an educator, and now I may have to give that up to work to support my family.
Q & A: My Wife Hates My Business

Dear WholeFamily Counselor, My wife and I have been married three years. I work full time for another company, but one-and-a-half years ago we decided to start a home business. It is Internet based and its growth is slow, yet I see the potential for it to be our sole source of income someday with some to spare. I limit my work on our home business to two evenings per week so I can keep a healthy home life. We have no children.
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