Positive Aging
Fast Food- Fast Women Film Review
Welcome to The Senior Center: Some Personal Remarks
A Humorous Look At Aging Growing Older and Growing Better
They say that old age is always 15 years older than you are. I can remember when the truth of this hit home most forcibly. When I was a young mother with four small children, 16-year-old Lucy used to come after school occasionally to baby-sit for me. One day I returned from shopping and she told me I'd had a caller, but she didn't remember her name. "What did she look like?" I asked.
Active Aging
Mom Lives It Up
My mother is going into her retirement years with a bang. "Rage, rage against the dying of the light," said Dylan Thomas-- Nobody had to tell my mother. She went on a cruise to Alaska and met a man. Now they are an item. The man is 29. My mother is 59. My mother is never one to let petty things like age stand in her way. She has always had young friends. She has always known how to have a good time. Once she wanted me to spend a week in Greece with her.
Crown Of Willows
Literature and Aging
Creativity and Aging

Great Stories About Or By People Who Are 90 +
Toby and Michael
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