Teen Sex
Monologue: How Far Should I Go

Chris, 14, has a boyfriend, Rick, who wants to have sex with her. She doesn't think she wants to, but she's afraid she'll lose him. Rick keeps pushing me. I don't know if he's telling the truth - that they're all doing it... I mean, it's not exactly the kind of thing I can ask my friends in school, is it? Not even Dara. We're close, but not that close. I don't really want to, but he keeps saying if I love him, I should prove it. I'm happy with the way things are now. It feels good just to fool around and touch each other, and I like the kissing.
Food for Thought Before You Go There
OK. So there you are. In a relationship. Maybe you are in love. You are definitely high on hormones, in a constant state of arousal. You feel the adrenaline pumping, your throat is dry. You don't need to eat or sleep. All you need is LUV, right? So you are getting ready to take the leap and have sex. If you think about it at all, rather than just doing it without thinking, your logic is probably something like this: I'm really into this person. This person is into me. It would feel really good.
Fourteen-Year-Old Obsessed with Sex
How Far Should I Go? An Open Letter to Chris

Chris, you're facing a real tough choice and I suggest you find someone who is understanding and wise; someone who can be both patient and helpful. You're dealing with heavy-duty stuff and you need to talk. And soon!! If there's a chance that your parents can be that "someone", then talk to them. Your parents may very well be the people who care most about you in this world. And they don't only care about your life today but also about your future.
Liz Talks About Sex: A Comment on Chris
To all the "Chris's" out there saying "I wish there was someone I could talk to", you need to know that sometimes there isn't. In the real world, you may sometimes feel as if you're alone, which is too bad, since this topic may be the most difficult one you'll ever have to deal with in your teen years.
Discussion on Sex
The Joy Of Holding Hands
First Time: A Drama
Samantha (14) and Luis (15) are sitting under the bleachers in the high school field on Friday night. Samantha is trying to convince Luis to go all the way. Samantha: I wanna do it. I wanna see what it feels like. Luis: I think what we're doing now is enough. Kissing. Let's wait. Samantha: C'mon. We love each other. Luis: Yeah, we love each other but I don't want trouble. Samantha: There won't be trouble.
Advice from Sara
Advice From Sara Q: I'm 20 years old (in a month) and I've been in recovery from anorexia for about 9 months now. I eat pretty normally now, except for a few quirks I have. But that body image thing won't give. I know that I am not naturally stick thin, and it makes me crazy that I just look "average".
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